Browse tag: adventure
Part one of "Digital War Party." Russ is attacked in his own night club by one seriously pissed-off majick user.
"Second Assault." The battle is joined between the false Ron Post, now revealed as a computer virus that's taken human form, and the real Ron.
"Turf"! It's Ron vs. Hiroshima again! With Russ and Jeri in on the act, it's another battle royal. Or is it? There's something fishy going on here...
"Cable War." Ron and Hiroshima are roommates and all is domestic bliss-if only there were something worth watching on tv!
In "Dead Relatives" Ron's not all that unhappy to learn of Russ' death. He will take the effort to wreak a hideous revenge, however.
In the first book of Druuna's ongoing story we find her a beautiful innocent in a future world of ugliness and pain. A full color hardback on glossy stock throughout.
A full color hardback on glossy stock throughout. Druuna discovers the truth about her world, and struggles to free herself from it.
By Liberatore, the creator of "Ranxerox," a sick and sharply stylish collection of comic outrages on the mind and eye. Trade paperback in color and black & white, second edition.
Demi's back in action with some new friends, in the futuristic romp "Lust in Time." Jam-style artwork by S.S.
Big, deluxe format comic with heavyweight color covers has Demi mixing it up in wild sex orgies with a wide range of partners.
Demi the Demoness as a super hero? Sure, why note? She's certainly had some super sex.
An issue of David Boswell's outrageous series from 1990. Very limited stock.